Jun 17Liked by Boaz Frankel

Soooo cool! When I lived in San Antonio we took a tomato growing class down there and the educator had 40 foot tall tomato cages. We were renting so we didn't try that but I never thought about how tomato plants can really get long. We need to adopt a different model in the US. I also learned to feed the plants a seaweed based additive!

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FORTY FOOT TOMATO CAGES!!! Wow, I never imagined those could exist! How cool!!!

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Jun 17Liked by Boaz Frankel

hmmm. now I'm wondering if I'm telling the truth. They were huge.... 40 feet seems maybe too high now that I think about it. hahahaha. I'm telling a Texas size tale. But they were at least the size of three normal people I think from the photos I saw. So probably more like 20 feet tall.

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Twenty feet's tall too! I'm still impressed!

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Jun 16Liked by Boaz Frankel

I went to work in Bulgaria for two months in 1988 (when it was still communist). It is of course much farther south but Bulgaria does get winter snows. Despite the spartan variety of foods available they had amazing tomatoes in the middle of winter. A coworker took me on a tour of their greenhouses after I kept asking how they grew such sweet tomatoes. The greenhouses were decidedly low tech---the bottom half of the structure was below ground, only about 4 feet on top exposed to the elements. Being dug in the greenhouse took advantage of latent underground heat. The tomatoes were planted in whatever soil was there. I don't recall any heating systems but not entirely sure being 36 years later now.

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Oh, wow! I never imagined subterranean greenhouses. It's sort of like a greenhouse-sized cold frame. And what an interesting experience that must have been for you!

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Jun 17Liked by Boaz Frankel

Interesting on multiple levels! Wonderful people but the system of government...well, let's just say I didn't complain about the traffic and smog in Los Angeles for a long time after I got back, lol.

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Haha, I guess a trip to Bulgaria puts everything in perspective!

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I love Iceland! I've been flying Iceland Air for over ten years when i go back to Sweden and it's such a wonderful airline. Never visited any greenhouses there yet though...

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Oh, how cool! Next time, you can fit in a quick greenhouse visit!

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I sure will!

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Love those rows of tomatoes!

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I know, so beautiful!

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