Thank you for sharing. Your garden is beautiful and is encouraging. My own garden here in Pittsburgh is similar - I edit lightly and let nature do its thing. I get discouraged sometimes as I feel others don't understand the logic behind this natural look. I had a man ask me last week if my house is abandoned!! (There is no chipped paint or anything amiss.) I was shocked and about to rip out all the golden rod, Joe Pye weed, etc. when my other neighbor pleaded with me not to!

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Keep up the great gardening, Deirdre! It's so tough when other people's idea of a perfect garden is a manicured lawn.

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This was delightful. The perfect reorientation of my attention on this election today. This video reminds me that the world is constantly changing and everything is temporary -- even beautiful blooms. Thanks for sharing!

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Lovely music synchronized with your garden’s flowers!

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